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How We Help The Leading Brand in Drinking Water Educate Their Consumers About The Benefits of Mineral Water. Image

How We Help The Leading Brand in Drinking Water Educate Their Consumers About The Benefits of Mineral Water

The competition in the mineral water industry is very fierce. It’s no secret that some manufacturers claim their brands to be the best and the healthiest, regardless of the content in the water. This condition is exacerbated by the nature of most consumers who do not understand the type and quality of mineral water itself.

So, when The Leading Brand in this industry came and ask our help to educate their consumers, we assure them to sit back and relax while we do some strategies.

Collaborating with communities

The first thing we do is going straight to communities following the targets set by the client. We asked them to do some collaboration to attract audiences. With these strategies, we manage to get 838 participants, exceeding our client’s target who asked only 600 participants.

Creating online class via WhatsApp

Not only with communities, but we also collaborated with some health practitioners provided by client to talk about the facts and the myths regarding mineral water. We also encourage the participants to share the knowledge they get from class on their social media. By now, this method has created more than 215,000 impressions and 15,000 engagements on social media.

If you want to know more about this project, reach us here. And yet, if you need our expertise in any kind of project, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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