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Community Marketing: Online And On Ground Activation

The rise of social media indeed has blessed us with a new wave of opportunities. Responsively, businesses are trying to catch up with the pace by tapping into KOL Marketing. At first glance, it really looks like the right fit; more ‘trustworthy’ than mass media and seems ‘closer’ to our audience. But do you ever wonder what happens after those Instagram Stories expire? How will our product survive when the hype dies down?

It’s time for businesses to slowly detach from the cluttered KOL and create their own Blue Ocean by building their very own fixed, loyal audience who actually cares about their products–and not just opinions about their products. It is essential to drive brand advocacy and penetration effectively. Spending budgets on different ‘Key Leaders’ is only a quick fix, we need to organically keep the hype going, not just for the product but for the brand.

We work with more than 100 communities, reaching to over 1 M people who come from different demographic groups such as sport enthusiasts, social activists, students, and more. With our Community Marketing activation, you can conduct massive product trials to not only raise awareness but also get real feedback on your product, so you’re not left in the dark trying to find the missing link between KOL and conversions.

If you’re seeking a community marketing service for your business, check our service here.

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