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3 Reasons Why WhatsApp Educational Marketing Is Your New Tools To Build Brand Loyalty. Image

3 Reasons Why WhatsApp Educational Marketing Is Your New Tools To Build Brand Loyalty

When most customers are already ‘buying’ products before they hit the store, you can’t rely on traditional methods to advertise your brand. You need to get through their mind through WhatsApp Educational Marketing like BERT’s has been doing all the time with our various clients.

WhatsApp Educational Marketing, or commonly known as Kuliah WhatsApp (KulWap),  is a new way to do branding while educating your customer at the same time. Its main goal is to build a brand’s community through a sustainable and reliable channel over time, resulting in more organic search traffic, higher online marketing ROI, and more brand loyalty.

So how can KulWap help you build brand loyalty?

1. KulWap is Accessible to Anyone, Anywhere and Anytime

People in the group can access KulWap anywhere at any time. With BERT’s, we also make sure that the format is as simple, but still educated as possible. When we do this to help one of our clients, we manage to get 100% satisfaction and more than 800K impressions related to the events.

2. Engage, Engage, Engage

Customers are more likely to exchange their concerns for educational value, so you can understand & directly engage with your customers, not only in WhatsApp Community Group, but also in social media. This has been proven by one of the mineral water brand’s KulWap that we helped when they experienced an increase in engagement to more than 5,000 engagements after the event.

3. Kulwap is Establishing Trust

While KulWap doesn’t just plug a product/service, it provides the customers with insightful information that relates to what they want to hear/need to learn regarding a certain topic or even your product. Thus, they will become your loyal customers in the long term.

Now you have the knowledge that WhatsApp Educational Marketing is a powerful marketing strategy. And we have the source & experience to help you achieve the KPIs.

Let’s do the magic together. Click here to contact us.

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